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About the Foundation

We hold in trust for the Auckland and Northland communities an endowment, or putea, of over a billion dollars

This comes from the sale of the community’s shares in what was previously the Auckland Savings Bank. That endowment allows us to make millions of dollars in grants each year to not-for-profit groups in Auckland and Northland.

Moemoeā Our Vision:

Whatītike oranga

Enhanced Lives

Tā tātou whāinga Our Purpose:

Pūtea kaitiakitanga, hāpai oranga.

To enhance lives through responsible guardianship of our investments and focussed funding, anchored by our commitment to Te Tiriti.

Ngā ūara Our Values

  1. Kia kotahi te hoe icon

    Kia kotahi te hoe

    Paddling in unison
  2. Whakamana icon


    Enabling, uplifting and reinforcing
  3. Ako icon


    Listening, learning and understanding
  4. Me mahi i roto te tika, te pono, me te aroha icon

    Me mahi i roto te tika, te pono, me te aroha

    Doing the right thing with respect and care
About us
About us
Our role as your Community Trust

We are committed to working in a Te Tiriti based manner, recognising the unique constitutional context of Tangata Whenua and the responsibility that entails. We acknowledge Te Ao Māori and the interconnectedness and interrelationship of all living and non-living things.

We seek to contribute to, awhi and amplify community-led initiatives in all their uniqueness, whether a kaupapa is still taking shape or is more advanced. We will work in partnership with the communities of Tāmaki Makaurau and Te Tai Tokerau, and with other funders: harnessing our investments, granting and other activities to help achieve projects of enhanced scale and impact together. We acknowledge the need to work holistically, to evolve new ways of working and to continually grow our understanding of system level change, and what it takes to make inter-generational change happen.

  • We are committed to increasing equity (Hāpai te ōritetanga); enhancing social inclusion (Whakauru mai); regenerating the environment (Whakahou taiao) and enabling community support (Hāpori awhina) across our rohe.
  • Our priority communities are Tangata Whenua, Pacific peoples, communities of Te Tai Tokerau, communities of South Auckland, children and young people, former refugees, new migrants, rainbow communities, and people living with a disability.
  • We are particularly interested in activities that have regard to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Climate Action

Our impact beyong granting

As well as focusing on targeted grant-making, we will proactively engage with and help those we support to strengthen their practices, develop their organisations and amplify impact. We provide opportunities for our grantees to develop and grow their organisations in areas like social enterprise, governance and strategy, leadership and management, evaluation and impact, and wellbeing.

This assistance is provided through our Centre for Social Impact and other capacity builders, and can take many forms; from an agreed package of tailor-made support which sits alongside a grant, to free self-help kete of online training and support resources available to the wider community and voluntary sector.

Learn more Learn more


Key documents like the Community Trusts Act 1999 and the Trust Deed for download. These outline how we operate and help guide our work supporting communities in Auckland and Northland.

Our People

With our mahi and your mahi, people will prosper - meet our people.

Te Roroa Development Charitable Trust
Te Roroa Development Charitable Trust